Get Involved
- If you wish to be added to the mailing list
- If you have any comments or questions
- If you have any accessibility requirements
Agency and public consultation will be ongoing throughout the duration of the study. The consultation plan includes the following:
- Notice of Study Commencement
- ongoing opportunity to submit comments and provide input
- communication with Indigenous groups
- consultation with regulatory agencies
- communication with property owners, residents, and businesses in the study area
- one Public Information Centre (March 30, 2016)
- Notice of Design and Construction Report (DCR) Submission and 30-day public review of the DCR
All notices will be published in the Bradford West Gwillimbury Topic. The notices will also be made available on this website, and sent directly to all contacts on the project mailing list. Input from stakeholders will be incorporated into the study findings and recommendations, as appropriate. If you wish to be added to our mailing list, please contact the project team.
Public Information Centre
A Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 4–7pm, at the Bradford West Leisure Centre (471 West Park Ave., Bradford, Ontario). The meeting was attended by nine representatives from external agencies and approximately 58 members of the general public. The PIC displays and presentation materials are available for download.
Design and Construction Report (DCR)
The DCR will be made available for public and agency review and documents the project process, details of the design, consultation undertaken throughout, and a summary of potential environmental effects and mitigation measures. The report will also be added to the study documentation.